

CosmicPy requires the following softwares and libraries:

  • CMake version 2.6 or above
  • Python version 2.7
  • Numpy version 1.8 or above recommended
  • SciPy version 0.14 or above recommended
  • Matplotlib version 1.4.2 or above recommended
  • GSL version 1.16 (Optional)

It is also extremely recommended to install the ipython shell.

All dependencies can be resolved using PyPI except for CMake which can be installed on your system using a package manager:

  • Setting up requirements on Linux:

    On Linux, just use your favorite package manager to install the dependencies. For instance, on Ubuntu Linux:

    $ sudo apt-get install cmake libgsl0-dev
  • Setting up requirements on Mac OS X:

    The recommended way of installing the dependencies for CosmicPy on a Mac is through MacPorts. Provided that MacPorts is installed on your system, all the dependencies can be installed with the following command:

    $ sudo port install cmake libgsl0-dev pkgconfig

Install CosmicPy from PyPI

To install CosmicPy, the simplest option is to use the following command

$ pip install cosmicpy

You can check that CosmicPy has correctly been installed by starting ipython and running

In [1]: import cosmicpy

If no error message appears then the package is correctly installed.

Install CosmicPy from GitHub

CosmicPy is hosted on a public GitHub repository at this address:

The package can be retrieved with the following command:

$ git clone

This will clone the latest release of the code into a local folder cosmicpy.

Once the requirements are installed and the CosmicPy package is downloaded, go to the cosmicpy source folder:

$ cd cosmicpy

and run the following command:

$ sudo python install

This should compile and install CosmicPy on your computer and it should be ready to use.