.. Copyright (c) 2014-2015, CosmicPy Developers .. Licensed under CeCILL 2.1 - see LICENSE.rst Installation ============ Requirements ------------ CosmicPy requires the following softwares and libraries: * `CMake `_ version 2.6 or above * `Python `_ version 2.7 * `Numpy `_ version 1.8 or above recommended * `SciPy `_ version 0.14 or above recommended * `Matplotlib `_ version 1.4.2 or above recommended * `GSL `_ version 1.16 (Optional) It is also extremely recommended to install the `ipython `_ shell. All dependencies can be resolved using PyPI except for CMake which can be installed on your system using a package manager: * Setting up requirements on **Linux**: On `Linux`, just use your favorite package manager to install the dependencies. For instance, on Ubuntu Linux:: $ sudo apt-get install cmake libgsl0-dev * Setting up requirements on **Mac OS X**: The recommended way of installing the dependencies for CosmicPy on a Mac is through `MacPorts `_. Provided that MacPorts is installed on your system, all the dependencies can be installed with the following command:: $ sudo port install cmake libgsl0-dev pkgconfig Install CosmicPy from PyPI -------------------------- To install CosmicPy, the simplest option is to use the following command $ pip install cosmicpy You can check that CosmicPy has correctly been installed by starting :program:`ipython` and running .. sourcecode:: ipython In [1]: import cosmicpy If no error message appears then the package is correctly installed. Install CosmicPy from GitHub ---------------------------- CosmicPy is hosted on a public GitHub repository at this address: https://github.com/cosmicpy/cosmicpy.git The package can be retrieved with the following command:: $ git clone https://github.com/cosmicpy/cosmicpy.git This will clone the latest release of the code into a local folder **cosmicpy**. Once the requirements are installed and the CosmicPy package is downloaded, go to the cosmicpy source folder:: $ cd cosmicpy and run the following command:: $ sudo python setup.py install This should compile and install CosmicPy on your computer and it should be ready to use.