Source code for cosmicpy.tests.icosmo

# Copyright (c) 2014-2015, CosmicPy Developers
# Licensed under CeCILL 2.1 - see LICENSE.rst
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from import readsav
from numpy import *
from scipy.integrate import romberg
from scipy.optimize import brentq
import cosmicpy

def _print_diff(name, param1, param2):
    r""" Helper function used to display differences between values.
    div = param1
    if div == 0:
        div = 1
    print(name + ': {:15f} | {:15f} | {:15f} | {:.2%}'\
                  abs(param1 - param2),
                  abs((param1 - param2) / div)))

[docs]def import_cosmology(filename, structure_name="fid"): r""" Loads an icosmo cosmology from a fiducial structure stored in an idl save file into a cosmicpy cosmology. Parameters ---------- filename : str Name of the idl save from which to load the cosmology. structure_name : str, optional Name of the icosmo fiducial structure stored in the save file. Returns ------- cosmo : cosmology cosmicpy cosmology corresponding to the icosmo input. """ icosmo_file = readsav(filename) icosmo = icosmo_file.get(structure_name) h = icosmo['cosmo'][0]['h'][0] Omega_m = icosmo['cosmo'][0]['omega_m'][0] Omega_de = icosmo['cosmo'][0]['omega_l'][0] Omega_b = icosmo['cosmo'][0]['omega_b'][0] w0 = icosmo['cosmo'][0]['w0'][0] wa = icosmo['cosmo'][0]['wa'][0] tau = icosmo['cosmo'][0]['tau'][0] n = icosmo['cosmo'][0]['n'][0] sigma8 = icosmo['cosmo'][0]['sigma8'][0] cosmo = cosmicpy.cosmology(h=h, Omega_m=Omega_m, Omega_de=Omega_de, Omega_b=Omega_b, w0=w0, wa=wa, tau=tau, n=n, sigma8=sigma8) return cosmo
[docs]def import_survey(filename, structure_name="fid", expt_name="sv1"): r""" Loads an icosmo survey from a fiducial structure stored in an idl save file into a cosmicpy survey. Parameters ---------- filename : str Name of the idl save from which to load the cosmology. structure_name : str, optional Name of the icosmo fiducial structure stored in the save file. Returns ------- surv : survey cosmicpy survey corresponding to the icosmo input. """ icosmo_file = readsav(filename) icosmo = icosmo_file.get(structure_name)['expt'][0] nzbins = icosmo[expt_name][0]['n_zbin'][0] zerror = icosmo[expt_name][0]['zerror'][0] ng = icosmo[expt_name][0]['ng'][0] a_survey = icosmo[expt_name][0]['a_survey'][0] dndztype = icosmo[expt_name][0]['dndztype'][0] if dndztype != b"smail": print("unsupported galaxy distribution") return None a = icosmo[expt_name][0]['dndzp'][0][0] b = icosmo[expt_name][0]['dndzp'][0][1] zmed = icosmo[expt_name][0]['z_med'][0] biastype = icosmo[expt_name][0]['biastype'][0] if biastype == b'bias0': btype = 'constant' elif biastype == b'bias1': btype = 'sqrt' else: print("unsupported bias type") return None # Compute fsky fsky = a_survey/(180./pi)**2/(4.0*pi) # find z0 corresponding to zmedian def med_smail(z0): smail = lambda z: z**a * exp(-(z/z0)**b) smail_norm = romberg(smail, 0, 5) smailn = lambda z: (z**a * exp(-(z/z0)**b)) / smail_norm f = lambda x: romberg(smailn, 0, x) - 0.5 return brentq(f, 0.01, 5) - zmed z0 = brentq(med_smail, 0.01, 3) surv = cosmicpy.survey(nzbins=nzbins, ngal=ng, zphot_sig=zerror, fsky=fsky, biastype=btype, nzparams={'type': 'smail', 'a': a, 'b': b, 'z0': z0}) return surv
[docs]def check_cosmology(filename, structure_name="cosmo"): r""" Loads an icosmo cosmology from an idl save file and compares the content of the cosmology structure with results from cosmicpy. Parameters ---------- filename : str Name of the idl save from which to load the cosmology. structure_name : str, optional Name of the icosmo cosmology structure stored in the save file. """ icosmo_file = readsav(filename) icosmo = icosmo_file.get(structure_name) # Reading cosmological parameters and creating corresponding # cosmicpy object h = icosmo['const'][0]['h'][0] Omega_m = icosmo['const'][0]['omega_m'][0] Omega_de = icosmo['const'][0]['omega_l'][0] Omega_b = icosmo['const'][0]['omega_b'][0] w0 = icosmo['const'][0]['w0'][0] wa = icosmo['const'][0]['wa'][0] tau = icosmo['const'][0]['tau'][0] n = icosmo['const'][0]['n'][0] sigma8 = icosmo['const'][0]['sigma8'][0] cosmo = cosmicpy.cosmology(h=h, Omega_m=Omega_m, Omega_de=Omega_de, Omega_b=Omega_b, w0=w0, wa=wa, tau=tau, n=n, sigma8=sigma8) print(cosmo) # Comparing derived quantities Omega_k = icosmo['const'][0]['omega_k'][0] r0 = icosmo['const'][0]['r0'][0] * h gamma = icosmo['const'][0]['gamma'][0] sh = icosmo['const'][0]['sh'][0] * h print("\nComparing derived constants :") print("parameter: [icosmo] | [cosmicpy] |" " diff | relative error in percents ") _print_diff("Omega_k ", Omega_k, cosmo.Omega_k) _print_diff("gamma ", gamma, cosmo.gamma) _print_diff("sh ", sh, cosmo.sh_r) # Comparing evolved quantities rh = icosmo['const'][0]['rh'][0] * h z = icosmo['evol'][0]['z'][0] a = icosmo['evol'][0]['a'][0] chi = icosmo['evol'][0]['chi'][0] * rh hc = icosmo['evol'][0]['hc'][0] / h Omega_m = icosmo['evol'][0]['omega_m_a'][0] Omega_de_a = icosmo['evol'][0]['omega_l_a'][0] dzdr = icosmo['evol'][0]['dzdr'][0] / h da = icosmo['evol'][0]['da'][0] * h print("\nComparing evolved quantities, maximum relative error:") print("Radial Comoving Distance : " + str(abs((chi[1:] - cosmo.a2chi(a[1:])) / chi[1:]).max())) print("Angular Diameter Distance : " + str(abs((da[1:] - a[1:] * cosmo.f_k(a[1:])) / da[1:]).max())) print("Hubble constant : " + str(abs((hc - cosmo.H(a)) / hc).max())) print("Omega_m(a) : " + str(abs((Omega_m - cosmo.Omega_m_a(a)) / Omega_m).max())) print("Omega_de(a) : " + str(abs((Omega_de_a - cosmo.Omega_de_a(a)) / Omega_de_a).max())) print("dzdr : " + str(abs((dzdr - cosmo.dzoverda(a) / cosmo.dchioverda(a)) / dzdr).max())) # Comparing Power spectrum k = icosmo['pk'][0]['k'][0] zpk = icosmo['pk'][0]['z'][0] pk = icosmo['pk'][0]['pk'][0] pk_l = icosmo['pk'][0]['pk_l'][0] print("\nComparing linear power spectra") pk2 = cosmo.pk_lin(k, cosmicpy.z2a(zpk)) plt.figure() plt.contourf(k, zpk, abs(pk2.T - pk_l) / pk_l, 250) plt.xlabel(r"Scale in Mpc/h") plt.ylabel(r"Redshift") plt.xscale('log') plt.colorbar() plt.title('Relative Error in linear power specrum computation') print("Maximum relative error on linear power specrum : " + str((abs(pk2.T - pk_l) / pk_l).max()))