# Copyright (c) 2014-2015, CosmicPy Developers
# Licensed under CeCILL 2.1 - see LICENSE.rst
:mod:`cosmicpy.fisher` -- Fisher forecasts
.. module:: cosmicpy.fisher
:synopsis: Computes Fisher Matrices
.. moduleauthor:: Francois Lanusse <francois.lanusse@cea.fr>
.. moduleauthor:: Anais Rassat <anais.rassat@epfl.ch>
.. Created on Jul 9, 2013 by Francois Lanusse
.. autosummary::
from .cosmology import cosmology
from .spectra import spectra
from .utils import *
from copy import deepcopy
import itertools
from numpy import *
from scipy.integrate import *
from scipy.optimize import brentq
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.patches import Ellipse
from scipy.interpolate import interp1d
from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod
[docs]class fisher(object):
Base class to perform a Fisher Analysis from specified cosmology,
survey and cosmological parameters.
__metaclass__ = ABCMeta
def __init__(self, fid_cosmo, fid_survey, params, margin_params=[]):
self.step = 0.003
self.fid_cosmo = fid_cosmo
self.fid_surv = fid_survey
self.params = []
# Check that the parameters provided are present in survey or cosmo
for p in params:
# First find the fiducial value for the parameter in question
if p in dir(self.fid_surv) or p in dir(self.fid_cosmo):
print("Warning, unknown parameter in derivative :" + p)
# Checks that the marginalisation parameters are actually considered
# in the Fisher analysis
self.margin_params = []
for p in margin_params:
if self.fid_surv.nuisances:
print("Warning, requested marginalisation parameter " + p +
" is not included in the analysis")
# Create a spectra object with a copy of the fiducial cosmology
self.spectra = spectra(deepcopy(self.fid_cosmo),
# Precomputed Fisher matrix
self._fullMat = None
self._fullInvMat = None
self._mat = None
self._invmat = None
def _computeObservables(self):
def _computeFullMatrix(self):
[docs] def Fij(self, param_i, param_j):
Returns the matrix element of the Fisher matrix for parameters
param_i and param_j
i = self.params.index(param_i)
j = self.params.index(param_j)
return self.mat[i, j]
[docs] def invFij(self, param_i, param_j):
Returns the matrix element of the inverse Fisher matrix for
parameters param_i and param_j
i = self.params.index(param_i)
j = self.params.index(param_j)
return self.invmat[i, j]
def sigma_fix(self, param):
return 1.0 / sqrt(self.Fij(param, param))
def sigma_marg(self, param):
return sqrt(self.invFij(param, param))
[docs] def sub_matrix(self, subparams):
Extracts a submatrix from the current fisher matrix using the
parameters in params
params = []
for p in subparams:
# Checks that the parameter exists in the orignal matrix
if p in self.params:
print("Warning, parameter not present in original \
Fisher matrix, left ignored :" + p)
newFisher = fisher(self.fid_cosmo, self.fid_surv, params)
# Fill in the fisher matrix from the precomputed matrix
newFisher._mat = zeros((len(params), len(params)))
for i in range(len(params)):
indi = self.params.index(params[i])
for j in range(len(params)):
indj = self.params.index(params[j])
newFisher._mat[i, j] = self.mat[indi, indj]
newFisher._invmat = linalg.inv(newFisher._mat)
return newFisher
def _marginalise(self, params):
r""" Marginalises the Fisher matrix over unwanted parameters.
params: list
List of parameters that should not be marginalised over.
(mat, invmat): ndarray
Marginalised Fisher matrix and its invers
# Builds inverse matrix
marg_inv = zeros((len(params), len(params)))
for i in range(len(params)):
indi = self.params.index(params[i])
for j in range(len(params)):
indj = self.params.index(params[j])
marg_inv[i, j] = self.invmat[indi, indj]
marg_mat = linalg.pinv(marg_inv)
return (marg_mat, marg_inv)
[docs] def corner_plot(self, nstd=2, labels=None, **kwargs):
r""" Makes a corner plot including all the parameters in the Fisher analysis
if labels is None:
labels = self.params
for i in range(len(self.params)):
for j in range(i):
ax = plt.subplot(len(self.params)-1, len(self.params)-1 , (i - 1)*(len(self.params)-1) + (j+1))
if i == len(self.params) - 1:
if j == 0:
self.plot(self.params[j], self.params[i], nstd=nstd, ax=ax, **kwargs)
[docs] def plot(self, p1, p2, nstd=2, ax=None, **kwargs):
r""" Plots confidence contours corresponding to the parameters
params = [p1, p2]
def eigsorted(cov):
vals, vecs = linalg.eigh(cov)
order = vals.argsort()[::-1]
return vals[order], vecs[:, order]
mat, cov = self._marginalise(params)
# First find the fiducial value for the parameter in question
fid_param = None
pos = [0, 0]
for p in params:
if p in dir(self.fid_surv):
fid_param = getattr(self.fid_surv, p)
fid_param = getattr(self.fid_cosmo, p)
pos[params.index(p)] = fid_param
if ax is None:
ax = plt.gca()
vals, vecs = eigsorted(cov)
theta = degrees(arctan2(*vecs[:, 0][::-1]))
# Width and height are "full" widths, not radius
width, height = 2 * nstd * sqrt(vals)
ellip = Ellipse(xy=pos, width=width,
height=height, angle=theta, **kwargs)
sz = max(width, height)
s1 = 1.5*nstd*self.sigma_marg(p1)
s2 = 1.5*nstd*self.sigma_marg(p2)
ax.set_xlim(pos[0] - s1, pos[0] + s1)
ax.set_ylim(pos[1] - s2, pos[1] + s2)
#ax.set_xlim(pos[0] - sz, pos[0] + sz)
#ax.set_ylim(pos[1] - sz, pos[1] + sz)
return ellip
[docs] def FoM_DETF(self):
Computes the figure of merit from the Dark Energy Task Force
Albrecht et al 2006
FoM = 1/sqrt(det(F^-1_{w0,wa}))
det = (self.invFij('w0', 'w0') * self.invFij('wa', 'wa') -
self.invFij('wa', 'w0') * self.invFij('w0', 'wa'))
return 1.0 / sqrt(det)
[docs] def FoM(self):
Total figure of merit : ln (1/det(F^{-1}))
return log(1.0 / abs(linalg.det(self.invmat)))
[docs] def invmat(self):
Returns the inverse fisher matrix
if self._invmat is None:
self._invmat = linalg.inv(self.mat)
return self._invmat
[docs] def mat(self):
Returns the fisher matrix marginalised over nuisance parameters
# If the matrix is not already computed, compute it
if self._mat is None:
self._fullMat = self._computeFullMatrix()
self._fullInvMat = linalg.pinv(self._fullMat)
# Apply marginalisation over nuisance parameters
self._invmat = self._fullInvMat[0:len(self.params),
self._mat = linalg.pinv(self._invmat)
return self._mat
def _computeDerivatives(self):
""" Computes all the derivatives of the specified observable with
respect to the parameters and nuisance parameters in the analysis"""
# List the derivatives with respect to all the parameters
dcldp = []
old_fid_param = None
old_param = None
# Computes all the derivatives with respect to the main parameters
for p in self.params:
print("varying :" + p)
# First find the fiducial value for the parameter in question
fid_param = None
if p in dir(self.fid_surv):
fid_param = getattr(self.fid_surv, p)
fid_param = getattr(self.fid_cosmo, p)
step = fid_param * self.step
if fid_param == 0:
step = self.step
# Compute derivative using the 2 point formula
if old_param is None:
kw = {p: fid_param + step, 'makeFlat': True}
kw = {p: fid_param + step, old_param: old_fid_param,
'makeFlat': True}
clp = self._computeObservables()
kw = {p: fid_param - step, 'makeFlat': True}
clm = self._computeObservables()
dcl = []
for (pl, mi) in zip(clp, clm):
dcl.append((pl - mi) / (2.0 * step))
old_fid_param = fid_param
old_param = p
# Reset everything to the fiducial value
kw = {old_param: old_fid_param, 'makeFlat': True}
# Now, computing derivatives with respect to the nuisance parameters
for p in self.margin_params:
print("Varying nuisance parameter :" + p)
nuisance = self.fid_surv.nuisances[p]
np = nuisance.Np
# Start varying each nuisance parameter
for ind_param in range(np):
fid_param = nuisance.get_value(ind_param)
step = fid_param * self.step
if fid_param == 0:
step = self.step
kw = {p + '_p' + str(ind_param): fid_param + step}
clp = self._computeObservables()
kw = {p + '_p' + str(ind_param): fid_param - step}
clm = self._computeObservables()
dcl = []
for (pl, mi) in zip(clp, clm):
dcl.append((pl - mi) / (2.0 * step))
# Resetting nuisance parameter
kw = {p + '_p' + str(ind_param): fid_param}
return dcldp
[docs]class fisherTomo(fisher):
""" Tomographic Fisher matrix """
def __init__(self, fid_cosmo, fid_survey, params, probes, margin_params=[],
cutNonLinearScales=None, lmax=10000, nl=200, lmin=2, diagonal=False):
""" Initializes a tomographic Fisher Matrix using the probes given
in probes
self.probes = probes
# Calls super class initialization
super(fisherTomo, self).__init__(fid_cosmo, fid_survey, params,
self.diagonal = diagonal
# Create a list of redshift bins
if diagonal:
self.bins = []
for i in range(self.fid_surv.nzbins):
self.bins = list(itertools.combinations_with_replacement(
range(self.fid_surv.nzbins), r=2))
# Create a list of spectra from the probes
self.crossprobes = list(
itertools.combinations_with_replacement(probes, r=2))
# Create list of power spectra from probes and redshift bins
self.cls = list(itertools.product(self.crossprobes, self.bins))
# Compute l range for each redshift bin
self.lmax = zeros(len(self.cls))
for i in range(len(self.cls)):
zmin = min(self.fid_surv.zbins[self.cls[i][1][0]].zmed,
if cutNonLinearScales is None:
self.lmax[i] = lmax
if cutNonLinearScales is 'optimistic':
kmax = 0.25
kmax = min(self.fid_surv.zbins[self.cls[i][1][0]].kmax_lin,
self.lmax[i] = kmax * self.fid_cosmo.a2chi(z2a(zmin))
lmax = self.lmax.max()
# Generating an hybrid array
self._l = logspace(0, log10(lmax), nl)
for i in range(nl):
if self._l[i] <= (i + lmin):
self._l[i] = i + lmin
self._nl = len(self._l)
def _computeObservables(self, shotNoise=False):
obs = []
for cl in self.cls:
obs.append(getattr(self.spectra, 'cl_' + cl[0][0] + cl[0][1])
(cl[1][0], cl[1][1], self._l, shotNoise=shotNoise))
return obs
def _computeFullMatrix(self):
Returns the full fisher matrix.
def find_index(a, b, i, j):
if ((a, b), (i, j)) in self.cls:
return self.cls.index(((a, b), (i, j)))
return self.cls.index(((b, a), (j, i)))
# Prefactor
geom = 1.0 / (2.0 * self._l + 1.0) / self.fid_surv.fsky
print("Computing derivatives")
self._dcldp = self._computeDerivatives()
print("Computing covariance matrix")
cl = self._computeObservables(shotNoise=True)
# Precompute all the covariance matrices
self._cov = zeros((len(self.cls), len(self.cls), self._nl))
for ind1 in range(len(self.cls)):
for ind2 in range(ind1 + 1):
if self.diagonal and ind1 != ind2:
cl1 = self.cls[ind1]
cl2 = self.cls[ind2]
C02 = find_index(cl1[0][0], cl2[0][0],
cl1[1][0], cl2[1][0])
C13 = find_index(cl1[0][1], cl2[0][1],
cl1[1][1], cl2[1][1])
C03 = find_index(cl1[0][0], cl2[0][1],
cl1[1][0], cl2[1][1])
C12 = find_index(cl1[0][1], cl2[0][0],
cl1[1][1], cl2[1][0])
self._cov[ind1, ind2, :] = geom * (cl[C02] * cl[C13] +
cl[C03] * cl[C12])
self._cov[ind2, ind1, :] = self._cov[ind1, ind2, :]
# Precomputes the inverse of the covariance matrix for each l
self._invcov = zeros_like(self._cov)
for indl in range(len(self._l)):
self._invcov[:, :, indl] = linalg.pinv(self._cov[:, :, indl])
# Computes the fisher Matrix
# The size of the Fisher matrix is given by the number of derivatives
print("Computing full Fisher matrix")
nparams = len(self._dcldp)
mat = zeros((nparams, nparams))
for i in range(nparams):
for j in range(i + 1):
res = zeros_like(self._l, dtype=double)
for ind1 in range(len(self.cls)):
for ind2 in range(len(self.cls)):
temp = (self._dcldp[i][ind1] * self._dcldp[j][ind2] *
self._invcov[ind1, ind2, :])
lmax = min(self.lmax[ind1], self.lmax[ind2])
temp[self._l > lmax] = 0
res += temp
mat[i, j] = simps(res, x=self._l.astype('float'))
mat[j, i] = mat[i, j]
return mat
[docs]class fisher3d(fisher):
""" Full 3D fisher analysis using the Spherical Fourier-Bessel expansion
def __init__(self, fid_cosmo, fid_survey, params, margin_params=[],
super(fisher3d, self).__init__(fid_cosmo, fid_survey, params,
self.cutNonLinearScales = cutNonLinearScales
# TODO : Adapt the l range
self._l = arange(1, 100)
self._l[29:] = around(logspace(log(30) / log(10),
log(900) / log(10),
self._l = self._l.astype('int')
# Compute the mask of admissible values i.e. corresponding to the linear part of the power spectrum
self._linearcut = ones_like(self._l) * 0.25
if cutNonLinearScales:
for i in range(len(self._l)):
cut = lambda k: k * self.fid_cosmo.a2chi(z2a(k/0.132)) - self._l[i]
self._linearcut[i] = brentq(cut, 0., 0.25)
def _computeObservables(self, shotNoise=False):
cl = self.spectra.cl_sfb(self._l, kmax=self._linearcut,
obs = []
for i in range(len(self._l)):
return obs
def _computeFullMatrix(self):
# Prefactor
geom = 0.5 * self.fid_surv.fsky * (2.0 * self._l + 1.0)
print("Computing covariance matrix")
# Computing eigen decomposition of the covariance matrix
self._cl = self._computeObservables(shotNoise=True)
# Invert the covariance matrix for every l
self._invcov = []
for i in range(len(self._l)):
print("Computing derivatives")
self._dcldp = self._computeDerivatives()
nparams = len(self._dcldp)
# Apply inverse covariance matrix
for i in range(len(self._l)):
v, q = self._invcov[i]
for p in range(nparams):
self._dcldp[p][i] = dot(dot(q.T, dot(self._dcldp[p][i], q)),
print("Computing Full Fisher matrix")
# Computes the fisher Matrix
self._integrand = zeros((nparams, nparams, len(self._l)))
for i in range(nparams):
for j in range(i+1):
for n in range(len(self._l)):
self._integrand[i, j, n] = trace(dot(self._dcldp[i][n],
self._integrand[j, i, n] = self._integrand[i, j, n]
self._integrand *= geom
mat = simps(self._integrand, x=self._l.astype('float'))
# integrand = interp1d(self._l, self._integrand, kind='cubic')
# l = arange(self._l.min(), self._l.max()+1)
# self._mat = 0.5 * self.fid_surv.fsky * sum(integrand(l) *
# (2.0*l + 1.0),
# axis=2)
return mat