# Copyright (c) 2014-2015, CosmicPy Developers
# Licensed under CeCILL 2.1 - see LICENSE.rst
:mod:`cosmicpy.cosmology` -- Cosmology module
.. module:: cosmicpy.cosmology
:synopsis: Performs cosmology related computations
.. moduleauthor:: Francois Lanusse <francois.lanusse@cea.fr>
.. moduleauthor:: Anais Rassat <anais.rassat@epfl.ch>
.. Created on Jun 10, 2013 by Francois Lanusse
.. autosummary::
from numpy import *
from scipy.integrate import romberg, odeint, romb, quad
from scipy.optimize import brentq
from scipy.interpolate import interp1d
from . import constants as const
from .utils import *
[docs]class cosmology(object):
r"""Stores all cosmological parameters and performs the computation
of derived quantities (distances, matter power spectra, etc...)
h : float
Reduced hubble constant (def: 0.7)
Omega_b : float
Baryonic matter density (def: 0.045)
Omega_m : float
Matter density (def: 0.25)
Omega_de : float
Dark energy density (def: 0.75)
w0, wa : float
Dark energy equation of state parameters
(def: w0 = -0.95, wa = 0.0)
n : float
Scalar spectral index (def: 1.0)
tau : float
Reionization optical depth (def: 0.09)
sigma8 : float
Fluctuation amplitude at 8 Mpc/h (def: 0.8)
.. bibliography:: biblio.bib
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
# initialize default cosmology parameters
self._h = 0.7
self._Omega_b = 0.045
self._Omega_m = 0.25
self._Omega_de = 0.75
self._w0 = -0.95
self._wa = 0.0
self._n = 1.
self._tau = 0.09
self._sigma8 = 0.8
# initialize computation parameters
self._amin = 0.001 # minimum scale factor
self._amax = 1.0 # maximum scale factor
self._na = 512 # number of points in interpolation arrays
self._kmin = 0.0001 # minimum scale in power spectrum, in Mpc/h
self._kmax = 1000.0 # maximum scale, in Mpc/h
# Uses the input keywords to update the cosmology
[docs] def update(self, **kwargs):
r"""Updates the current cosmology based on the parameters specified
in input.
h : float
Reduced hubble constant
Omega_b : float
Baryonic matter density
Omega_m : float
Matter density
Omega_de : float
Dark energy density
w0, wa : float
Dark energy equation of state parameters
n : float
Scalar spectral index
tau : float
Reionization optical depth
sigma8: float
Fluctuation amplitude at 8 Mpc/h
# Look for keywords and update cosmological parameters
for kw in kwargs:
if kw == 'h':
self._h = kwargs[kw]
elif kw == 'Omega_b':
self._Omega_b = kwargs[kw]
elif kw == 'Omega_m':
self._Omega_m = kwargs[kw]
elif kw == 'Omega_de':
self._Omega_de = kwargs[kw]
elif kw == 'w0':
self._w0 = kwargs[kw]
elif kw == 'wa':
self._wa = kwargs[kw]
elif kw == 'n':
self._n = kwargs[kw]
elif kw == 'tau':
self._tau = kwargs[kw]
elif kw == 'sigma8':
self._sigma8 = kwargs[kw]
# Check if the makeFlat keyword was used
if 'makeFlat' in kwargs:
self._Omega_de = 1.0 - self._Omega_m
# Setup constant attributes
self._Omega_dm = self._Omega_m-self._Omega_b # Dark matter density
self._Omega = self._Omega_m+self._Omega_de # Total density
self._Omega_k = 1.0 - self._Omega # Curvature
# Sugiyama (1995, APJS, 100, 281)
self._gamma = self._Omega_m*self._h * \
exp(-self._Omega_b*(1. + sqrt(2.*self._h)/self._Omega_m))
if self._Omega > 1.0: # Closed universe
self._k = 1.0
self._sqrtk = sqrt(abs(self._Omega_k))
elif self._Omega == 1.0: # Flat universe
self._k = 0
self._sqrtk = 1.
elif self._Omega < 1.0: # Open Universe
self._k = -1.0
self._sqrtk = sqrt(abs(self._Omega_k))
# Quantities computed from 1998:EisensteinHu
# Provides : - k_eq : scale of the particle horizon at equality epoch
# - z_eq : redshift of equality epoch
# - R_eq : ratio of the baryon to photon momentum density
# at z_eq
# - z_d : redshift of drag epoch
# - R_d : ratio of the baryon to photon momentum density
# at z_d
# - sh_d : sound horizon at drag epoch
# - k_silk : Silk damping scale
T_2_7_sqr = (const.tcmb/2.7)**2
h2 = self.h**2
w_m = self.Omega_m*h2
w_b = self.Omega_b*h2
self._k_eq = 7.46e-2*w_m/T_2_7_sqr / self.h # Eq. (3) [h/Mpc]
self._z_eq = 2.50e4*w_m/(T_2_7_sqr)**2 # Eq. (2)
# z drag from Eq. (4)
b1 = 0.313*pow(w_m, -0.419)*(1.0+0.607*pow(w_m, 0.674))
b2 = 0.238*pow(w_m, 0.223)
self._z_d = 1291.0*pow(w_m, 0.251)/(1.0+0.659*pow(w_m, 0.828)) * \
(1.0 + b1*pow(w_b, b2))
# Ratio of the baryon to photon momentum density at z_d Eq. (5)
self._R_d = 31.5 * w_b / (T_2_7_sqr)**2 * (1.e3/self._z_d)
# Ratio of the baryon to photon momentum density at z_eq Eq. (5)
self._R_eq = 31.5 * w_b / (T_2_7_sqr)**2 * (1.e3/self._z_eq)
# Sound horizon at drag epoch in h^-1 Mpc Eq. (6)
self._sh_d = 2.0/(3.0*self._k_eq) * sqrt(6.0/self._R_eq) * \
log((sqrt(1.0 + self._R_d) + sqrt(self._R_eq + self._R_d)) /
(1.0 + sqrt(self._R_eq)))
# Eq. (7) but in [hMpc^{-1}]
self._k_silk = 1.6 * pow(w_b, 0.52) * pow(w_m, 0.73) * \
(1.0 + pow(10.4*w_m, -0.95)) / self.h
# Quantities computed from 1999:EfstathiouBond
# Provides : - z_r : redshift of recombination
# - sh_r : sound horizon at recombination
# z recombination from Eq. (20)
g1 = 0.078*w_b**(-0.238) * (1.0 + 39.5*w_b**0.7630)**(-1)
g2 = 0.56*(1.0 + 21.1*w_b**1.81)**(-1)
a_r = 1.0/(1048.*(1.0+0.00124*w_b**(-0.738))*(1.0+g1*w_m**g2) + 1)
self._z_r = a2z(a_r)
# sound horizon at recombination from Eq. (18) and (19)
a_eq = 1.0/(24185.0 * (1.6813/(1.0 + const.eta_nu)) * w_m) # Eq. (18)
R_eq = 30496.*w_b*a_eq # Eq. (18)
R_zr = 30496.*w_b*a_r # Eq. (18)
frac = (sqrt(1.0+R_zr)+sqrt(R_zr+R_eq))/(1.0+sqrt(R_eq)) # Eq. (19)
self._sh_r = 4000.0/sqrt(w_b)*sqrt(a_eq)/sqrt(1.0+const.eta_nu) * \
log(frac) * self.h # Eq. (19) converted to Mpc/h
# Computes interpolation arrays
self.atab = linspace(self._amin,
self._chi_a_interp = None
self._a_chi_interp = None
self._da_interp = None
self._pknorm = None
def __str__(self):
return 'FLRW Cosmology with the following parameters: \n' + \
' h: ' + str(self.h) + ' \n' + \
' Omega_b: ' + str(self.Omega_b) + ' \n' + \
' Omega_m: ' + str(self.Omega_m) + ' \n' + \
' Omega_de: ' + str(self.Omega_de) + ' \n' + \
' w0: ' + str(self.w0) + ' \n' + \
' wa: ' + str(self.wa) + ' \n' + \
' n: ' + str(self.n) + ' \n' + \
' tau: ' + str(self.tau) + ' \n' + \
' sigma8: ' + str(self.sigma8)
[docs] def w(self, a):
r"""Dark Energy equation of state parameter using the Linder
a : array_like
Scale factor
w : ndarray, or float if input scalar
The Dark Energy equation of state parameter at the specified
scale factor
The Linder parametrization :cite:`2003:Linder` for the Dark Energy
equation of state :math:`p = w \rho` is given by:
.. math::
w(a) = w_0 + w (1 -a)
return self.w0 + (1.0 - a) * self.wa # Equation (6) in Linder (2003)
[docs] def f_de(self, a):
r"""Evolution parameter for the Dark Energy density.
a : array_like
Scale factor
f : ndarray, or float if input scalar
The evolution parameter of the Dark Energy density as a function
of scale factor
For a given parametrisation of the Dark Energy equation of state,
the scaling of the Dark Energy density with time can be written as:
.. math::
\rho_{de}(a) \propto a^{f(a)}
(see :cite:`2005:Percival`) where :math:`f(a)` is computed as
:math:`f(a) = \frac{-3}{\ln(a)} \int_0^{\ln(a)} [1 + w(a^\prime)]
d \ln(a^\prime)`. In the case of Linder's parametrisation for the
dark energy in Eq. :eq:`linderParam` :math:`f(a)` becomes:
.. math::
f(a) = -3(1 + w_0) + 3 w \left[ \frac{a - 1}{ \ln(a) } - 1 \right]
# Just to make sure we are not diving by 0
epsilon = 0.000000001
return -3.0*(1.0+self.w0) + 3.0*self.wa*((a-1.0)/log(a-epsilon) - 1.0)
[docs] def Esqr(self, a):
r"""Square of the scale factor dependent factor E(a) in the Hubble
a : array_like
Scale factor
E^2 : ndarray, or float if input scalar
Square of the scaling of the Hubble constant as a function of
scale factor
The Hubble parameter at scale factor `a` is given by
:math:`H^2(a) = E^2(a) H_o^2` where :math:`E^2` is obtained through
Friedman's Equation (see :cite:`2005:Percival`) :
.. math::
E^2(a) = \Omega_m a^{-3} + \Omega_k a^{-2} + \Omega_{de} a^{f(a)}
where :math:`f(a)` is the Dark Energy evolution parameter computed
by :py:meth:`.f_de`.
return self.Omega_m*pow(a, -3) + self.Omega_k*pow(a, -2) + \
self.Omega_de*pow(a, self.f_de(a))
[docs] def H(self, a):
r"""Hubble parameter [km/s/(Mpc/h)] at scale factor `a`
a : array_like
Scale factor
H : ndarray, or float if input scalar
Hubble parameter at the requested scale factor.
return const.H0 * sqrt(self.Esqr(a))
[docs] def Omega_m_a(self, a):
r"""Matter density at scale factor `a`.
a : array_like
Scale factor
Omega_m : ndarray, or float if input scalar
Non-relativistic matter density at the requested scale factor
The evolution of matter density :math:`\Omega_m(a)` is given by:
.. math::
\Omega_m(a) = \frac{\Omega_m a^{-3}}{E^2(a)}
see :cite:`2005:Percival` Eq. (6)
return self.Omega_m * pow(a, -3) / self.Esqr(a)
[docs] def Omega_de_a(self, a):
r"""Dark Energy density at scale factor `a`.
a : array_like
Scale factor
Omega_de : ndarray, or float if input scalar
Dark Energy density at the requested scale factor
The evolution of Dark Energy density :math:`\Omega_{de}(a)` is given
.. math::
\Omega_{de}(a) = \frac{\Omega_{de} a^{f(a)}}{E^2(a)}
where :math:`f(a)` is the Dark Energy evolution parameter computed by
:py:meth:`.f_de` (see :cite:`2005:Percival` Eq. (6)).
return self.Omega_de*pow(a, self.f_de(a))/self.Esqr(a)
[docs] def chi2a(self, chi):
r"""Scale factor for the radial comoving distance specified in [Mpc/h].
chi : array_like
Radial comoving distance in [Mpc/h]
a : ndarray, or float if input scalar
Scale factor corresponding to the specified radial comoving
if self._a_chi_interp is None:
return self._a_chi_interp(chi)
[docs] def a2chi(self, a):
r"""Radial comoving distance in [Mpc/h] for a given scale factor.
a : array_like
Scale factor
chi : ndarray, or float if input scalar
Radial comoving distance corresponding to the specified scale
The radial comoving distance is computed by performing the following
.. math::
\chi(a) = R_H \int_a^1 \frac{da^\prime}{{a^\prime}^2 E(a^\prime)}
def dchioverdlna(x):
xa = exp(x)
return self.dchioverda(xa) * xa
chi = vectorize(lambda x: romberg(dchioverdlna, log(x), 0,
# Initialize interpolation array
if self._chi_a_interp is None:
chitab = chi(self.atab)
self._chi_a_interp = interp1d(self.atab, chitab, kind='quadratic')
self._a_chi_interp = interp1d(chitab[::-1], self.atab[::-1],
# For values within the interpolation array use _chi_interp,
# otherwise perform the integration
res = vectorize(lambda x: self._chi_a_interp(x)
if ((x > self._amin) and (x < self._amax))
else chi(x))
return res(a)
[docs] def f_k(self, a):
r"""Transverse comoving distance in [Mpc/h] for a given scale factor.
a : array_like
Scale factor
f_k : ndarray, or float if input scalar
Transverse comoving distance corresponding to the specified
scale factor.
The transverse comoving distance depends on the curvature of the
universe and is related to the radial comoving distance through:
.. math::
f_k(a) = \left\lbrace
R_H \frac{1}{\sqrt{\Omega_k}}\sinh(\sqrt{|\Omega_k|}\chi(a)R_H)&
\mbox{for }\Omega_k > 0 \\
\mbox{for } \Omega_k = 0 \\
R_H \frac{1}{\sqrt{\Omega_k}} \sin(\sqrt{|\Omega_k|}\chi(a)R_H)&
\mbox{for } \Omega_k < 0
chi = self.a2chi(a)
if self.k < 0: # Open universe
return const.rh/self.sqrtk*sinh(self.sqrtk * chi/const.rh)
elif self.k > 0: # Closed Universe
return const.rh/self.sqrtk*sin(self.sqrtk * chi/const.rh)
return chi
[docs] def d_A(self, a):
r"""Angular diameter distance in [Mpc/h] for a given scale factor.
a : array_like
Scale factor
d_A : ndarray, or float if input scalar
Angular diameter distance is expressed in terms of the transverse
comoving distance as:
.. math::
d_A(a) = a f_k(a)
return a * self.f_k(a)
[docs] def dchioverda(self, a):
r"""Derivative of the radial comoving distance with respect to the
scale factor.
a : array_like
Scale factor
dchi/da : ndarray, or float if input scalar
Derivative of the radial comoving distance with respect to the
scale factor at the specified scale factor.
The expression for :math:`\frac{d \chi}{da}` is:
.. math::
\frac{d \chi}{da}(a) = \frac{R_H}{a^2 E(a)}
return const.rh/(a**2*sqrt(self.Esqr(a)))
[docs] def dzoverda(self, a):
r"""Derivative of the redshift with respect to the scale factor.
a : array_like
Scale factor
dz/da : ndarray, or float if input scalar
Derivative of the redshift with respect to the scale factor at
the specified scale factor.
The expression for :math:`\frac{d z}{da}` is:
.. math::
\frac{d z}{da}(a) = \frac{1}{a^2}
return 1.0 / (a**2)
[docs] def T(self, k, type='eisenhu_osc'):
""" Computes the matter transfer function.
k: array_like
Wave number in h Mpc^{-1}
type: str, optional
Type of transfer function. Either 'eisenhu' or 'eisenhu_osc'
(def: 'eisenhu_osc')
T: array_like
Value of the transfer function at the requested wave number
The Eisenstein & Hu transfer functions are computed using the fitting
formulae of :cite:`1998:EisensteinHu`
w_m = self.Omega_m * self.h**2
w_b = self.Omega_b * self.h**2
fb = self.Omega_b / self.Omega_m
fc = (self.Omega_m - self.Omega_b) / self.Omega_m
alpha_gamma = 1.-0.328*log(431.*w_m)*w_b/w_m + \
gamma_eff = self.Omega_m*self.h * \
(alpha_gamma + (1.-alpha_gamma)/(1.+(0.43*k*self.sh_d)**4))
res = zeros_like(k)
if(type == 'eisenhu'):
q = k * pow(const.tcmb/2.7, 2)/gamma_eff
# EH98 (29) #
L = log(2.*exp(1.0) + 1.8*q)
C = 14.2 + 731.0/(1.0 + 62.5*q)
res = L/(L + C*q*q)
elif(type == 'eisenhu_osc'):
# Cold dark matter transfer function
# EH98 (11, 12)
a1 = pow(46.9*w_m, 0.670) * (1.0 + pow(32.1*w_m, -0.532))
a2 = pow(12.0*w_m, 0.424) * (1.0 + pow(45.0*w_m, -0.582))
alpha_c = pow(a1, -fb) * pow(a2, -fb**3)
b1 = 0.944 / (1.0 + pow(458.0*w_m, -0.708))
b2 = pow(0.395*w_m, -0.0266)
beta_c = 1.0 + b1*(pow(fc, b2) - 1.0)
beta_c = 1.0 / beta_c
# EH98 (19). [k] = h/Mpc
def T_tilde(k1, alpha, beta):
# EH98 (10); [q] = 1 BUT [k] = h/Mpc
q = k1 / (13.41 * self._k_eq)
L = log(exp(1.0) + 1.8 * beta * q)
C = 14.2 / alpha + 386.0 / (1.0 + 69.9 * pow(q, 1.08))
T0 = L/(L + C*q*q)
return T0
# EH98 (17, 18)
f = 1.0 / (1.0 + (k * self.sh_d / 5.4)**4)
Tc = f * T_tilde(k, 1.0, beta_c) + \
(1.0 - f) * T_tilde(k, alpha_c, beta_c)
# Baryon transfer function
# EH98 (19, 14, 21)
y = (1.0 + self._z_eq) / (1.0 + self._z_d)
x = sqrt(1.0 + y)
G_EH98 = y * (-6.0 * x +
(2.0 + 3.0*y) * log((x + 1.0) / (x - 1.0)))
alpha_b = 2.07 * self._k_eq * self.sh_d * \
pow(1.0 + self._R_d, -0.75) * G_EH98
beta_node = 8.41 * pow(w_m, 0.435)
tilde_s = self.sh_d / pow(1.0 + (beta_node /
(k * self.sh_d))**3, 1.0/3.0)
beta_b = 0.5 + fb + (3.0 - 2.0 * fb) * sqrt((17.2 * w_m)**2 + 1.0)
# [tilde_s] = Mpc/h
Tb = (T_tilde(k, 1.0, 1.0) / (1.0 + (k * self.sh_d / 5.2)**2) +
alpha_b / (1.0 + (beta_b/(k * self.sh_d))**3) *
exp(-pow(k / self._k_silk, 1.4))) * sinc(k*tilde_s/pi)
# Total transfer function
res = fb * Tb + fc * Tc
return res
[docs] def G(self, a):
""" Compute Growth factor at a given scale factor, normalised such
that G(a=1) = 1.
a: array_like
Scale factor
G: ndarray, or float if input scalar
Growth factor computed at requested scale factor
if self._da_interp is None:
def D_derivs(y, x):
q = (2.0 - 0.5 * (self.Omega_m_a(x) +
(1.0 + 3.0 * self.w(x))
* self.Omega_de_a(x)))/x
r = 1.5*self.Omega_m_a(x)/x/x
return [y[1], -q * y[1] + r * y[0]]
y0 = [self._amin, 1]
y = odeint(D_derivs, y0, self.atab)
self._da_interp = interp1d(self.atab, y[:, 0], kind='linear')
return self._da_interp(a)/self._da_interp(1.0)
[docs] def pk_lin(self, k, a=1.0, **kwargs):
r""" Computes the linear matter power spectrum.
k: array_like
Wave number in h Mpc^{-1}
a: array_like, optional
Scale factor (def: 1.0)
type: str, optional
Type of transfer function. Either 'eisenhu' or 'eisenhu_osc'
(def: 'eisenhu_osc')
pk: array_like
Linear matter power spectrum at the specified scale
and scale factor.
k = atleast_1d(k)
a = atleast_1d(a)
g = self.G(a)
t = self.T(k, **kwargs)
pknorm = self.sigma8**2/self.sigmasqr(8.0, **kwargs)
if k.ndim == 1:
pk = outer(self.pk_prim(k) * pow(t, 2), pow(g, 2))
pk = self.pk_prim(k) * pow(t, 2) * pow(g, 2)
# Apply normalisation
pk = pk*pknorm
return pk.squeeze()
def _smith_parameters(self, a, **kwargs):
r""" Computes the non linear scale, effective spectral index
and spectral curvature"""
a = atleast_1d(a)
R_nl = zeros_like(a)
n = zeros_like(a)
C = zeros_like(a)
ksamp = logspace(log10(self._kmin), log10(self._kmax), 1024)
pklog = interp1d(log(ksamp), ksamp**3 *
self.pk_lin(ksamp, **kwargs) / (2.0*pi**2))
g = self.G(a)
def int_sigma(logk, r, _g):
y = exp(logk)*r
return pklog(logk) * _g**2 * exp(-y**2)
def int_neff(logk, r, _g):
y = exp(logk)*r
return pklog(logk) * _g**2 * y**2 * exp(-y**2)
def int_C(logk, r, _g):
y = exp(logk)*r
return pklog(logk) * _g**2 * (y**2 - y**4) * exp(-y**2)
for i in range(R_nl.size):
sigm = lambda r: romberg(int_sigma, log(self._kmin), log(self._kmax),
args=(exp(r), g[i]), rtol=1e-4, vec_func=True) - 1
R_nl[i] = exp(brentq(sigm, -5, 1.5, rtol=1e-4))
n[i] = 2.0 * romberg(int_neff, log(self._kmin), log(self._kmax),
args=(R_nl[i], g[i]), rtol=1e-4, vec_func=True) - 3
C[i] = (3 + n[i])**2 + 4 * romberg(int_C, log(self._kmin), log(self._kmax),
args=(R_nl[i], g[i]), rtol=1e-4, vec_func=True)
k_nl = 1.0/R_nl
return k_nl, n, C
[docs] def pk(self, k, a=1.0, nl_type='smith2003', **kwargs):
r""" Computes the full non linear matter power spectrum.
k: array_like
Wave number in h Mpc^{-1}
a: array_like, optional
Scale factor (def: 1.0)
nl_type: str, optional
Type of non linear corrections. Only 'smith2003' is implemented
type: str, optional
Type of transfer function. Either 'eisenhu' or 'eisenhu_osc'
(def: 'eisenhu_osc')
pk: array_like
Non linear matter power spectrum at the specified scale
and scale factor.
The non linear corrections are implemented following :cite:`2003:smith`
k = atleast_1d(k)
a = atleast_1d(a)
pklin = self.pk_lin(k, a, **kwargs)
if (nl_type == 'smith2003'):
# Compute non linear scale, effective spectral index and curvature
k_nl, n, C = self._smith_parameters(a)
om_m = self.Omega_m_a(a)
frac = self.Omega_de_a(a)/(1.0 - om_m)
# eq C9 to C18
a_n = 10**(1.4861 + 1.8369*n + 1.6762*n**2 + 0.7940*n**3 +
0.1670*n**4 - 0.6206*C)
b_n = 10**(0.9463 + 0.9466*n + 0.3084*n**2 - 0.9400*C)
c_n = 10**(-0.2807 + 0.6669*n + 0.3214*n**2 - 0.0793*C)
gamma_n = 0.8649 + 0.2989*n + 0.1631*C
alpha_n = 1.3884 + 0.3700*n - 0.1452*n**2
beta_n = 0.8291 + 0.9854*n + 0.3401*n**2
mu_n = 10**(-3.5442 + 0.1908*n)
nu_n = 10**(0.9585 + 1.2857*n)
f1a = om_m**(-0.0732)
f2a = om_m**(-0.1423)
f3a = om_m**0.0725
f1b = om_m**(-0.0307)
f2b = om_m**(-0.0585)
f3b = om_m**(0.0743)
f1 = frac*f1b + (1-frac)*f1a
f2 = frac*f2b + (1-frac)*f2a
f3 = frac*f3b + (1-frac)*f3a
f = lambda x: x/4. + x**2/8.
d2l = einsum('i...,i...->i...', k**3, pklin / (2.0*pi**2))
if k.ndim > 1:
y = k/k_nl
y = outer(k, 1.0/k_nl).squeeze()
# Eq C2
d2q = d2l * ((1.0+d2l)**beta_n/(1+alpha_n*d2l)) * exp(-f(y))
d2hprime = a_n*y**(3*f1)/(1.0 + b_n * y**f2 +
(c_n*f3*y)**(3.0 - gamma_n))
d2h = d2hprime / (1.0 + mu_n/y + nu_n/y**2)
# Eq. C1
d2nl = d2q + d2h
pk_nl = einsum('i...,i...->i...', 2.0*pi**2/k**3, d2nl)
print("unknown non linear prescription")
pk_nl = pklin
return pk_nl.squeeze()
[docs] def pl(self, l, a, **kwargs):
Computes the non linear matter power spectrum at a given angular scale
using the Limber approximation
k = outer(l + 0.5, 1.0/self.a2chi(a))
return self.pk(k, a, **kwargs)
[docs] def pl_lin(self, l, a, **kwargs):
Computes the linear matter power spectrum at the specified scale
and scale factor
k = outer(l + 0.5, 1.0/self.a2chi(a))
g = self.G(a)
t = self.T(k, **kwargs)
pknorm = self.sigma8**2/self.sigmasqr(8.0, **kwargs)
pk = multiply(self.pk_prim(k) * pow(t, 2), pow(g, 2))
# Apply normalisation
pk = pk*pknorm
return pk
[docs] def pk_prim(self, k):
""" Primordial power spectrum
Pk = k^n
return k**self.n
[docs] def sigmasqr(self, R, **kwargs):
""" Computes the energy of the fluctuations within a sphere of R h^{-1} Mpc
.. math::
\\sigma^2(R)= \\frac{1}{2 \\pi^2} \\int_0^\\infty \\frac{dk}{k} k^3 P(k,z) W^2(kR)
.. math::
W(kR) = \\frac{3j_1(kR)}{kR}
def int_sigma(logk):
k = exp(logk)
x = k * R
w = 3.0*(sin(x) - x*cos(x))/(x*x*x)
pk = self.T(k, **kwargs)**2 * self.pk_prim(k)
return k * pow(k*w, 2.0) * pk
return 1.0/(2.0*pi**2.0) * romberg(int_sigma, log(self._kmin),
[docs] def g(self, a, a_s):
""" Lensing efficiency kernel computed a distance chi for sources
placed at distance chi_s
a_s = atleast_1d(a_s)
a = atleast_1d(a)
factor = 3.0 * const.H0**2 * self.Omega_m / (2.0 * const.c**2)/a
res = (self.a2chi(a_s) - self.a2chi(a)) / self.a2chi(a_s)
res[a_s > a] = 0
return factor * self.f_k(a) * res * self.dchioverda(a)
# Derived constants
def Omega_dm(self):
return self._Omega_dm
def Omega(self):
return self._Omega
def Omega_k(self):
return self._Omega_k
def gamma(self):
return self._gamma
def k(self):
return self._k
def sqrtk(self):
return self._sqrtk
[docs] def sh_d(self):
Sound horizon at drag epoch in Mpc/h
Computed from Equation (6) in :cite:`1998:EisensteinHu` :
.. math ::
r_s(z_d) = \frac{2}{3 k_{eq}} \sqrt{ \frac{6}{R_{eq}} } \ln \frac{ \sqrt{1 + R_d} + \sqrt{R_d + R_{eq}}}{1 + \sqrt{R_{eq}}}
where :math:`R_d` and :math:`R_{eq}` are respectively the ratio of baryon to photon momentum density at drag epoch and equality epoch (see Equation (5) in :cite:`1998:EisensteinHu`)
and :math:`k_{eq}` is the scale of the scale of the particle horizon at equality epoch.
return self._sh_d
[docs] def sh_r(self):
Sound horizon at recombination in Mpc/h
Computed from Equation (19) in :cite:`1999:EfstathiouBond` :
.. math ::
r_s(z_r) = \frac{4000 \sqrt{a_{equ}}}{\sqrt{\omega_b (1 + \eta_\nu)}} \ln \frac{ \sqrt{1 + R_r} + \sqrt{R_r + R_{eq}}}{1 + \sqrt{R_{eq}}}
where :math:`R_r` and :math:`R_{eq}` are respectively the ratio of baryon to photon momentum density at recombination epoch and equality epoch (see Equation (18) in :cite:`1999:EfstathiouBond`)
and :math:`\eta_{\nu}` denotes the relative densities of massless neutrinos and photons.
return self._sh_r
# Settable cosmological parameters
def h(self):
return self._h
def h(self,val):
def Omega_b(self):
baryon density
return self._Omega_b
[docs] def Omega_b(self,val):
def Omega_m(self):
return self._Omega_m
def Omega_m(self,val):
self.update(Omega_m = val)
def Omega_de(self):
return self._Omega_de
def Omega_de(self,val):
self.update(Omega_de = val)
def w0(self):
return self._w0
def w0(self,val):
self.update(w0 = val)
def wa(self):
return self._wa
def wa(self,val):
def n(self):
return self._n
def n(self,val):
def tau(self):
return self._tau
def tau(self, val):
def sigma8(self):
return self._sigma8
def sigma8(self, val):