Source code for cosmicpy.cosmology

# Copyright (c) 2014-2015, CosmicPy Developers
# Licensed under CeCILL 2.1 - see LICENSE.rst
:mod:`cosmicpy.cosmology` -- Cosmology module

.. module:: cosmicpy.cosmology
    :synopsis: Performs cosmology related computations
.. moduleauthor:: Francois Lanusse <>
.. moduleauthor:: Anais Rassat <>
.. Created on Jun 10, 2013 by Francois Lanusse

.. autosummary::



from numpy import *
from scipy.integrate import romberg, odeint, romb, quad
from scipy.optimize import brentq
from scipy.interpolate import interp1d
from . import constants as const
from .utils import *

[docs]class cosmology(object): r"""Stores all cosmological parameters and performs the computation of derived quantities (distances, matter power spectra, etc...) Parameters ---------- h : float Reduced hubble constant (def: 0.7) Omega_b : float Baryonic matter density (def: 0.045) Omega_m : float Matter density (def: 0.25) Omega_de : float Dark energy density (def: 0.75) w0, wa : float Dark energy equation of state parameters (def: w0 = -0.95, wa = 0.0) n : float Scalar spectral index (def: 1.0) tau : float Reionization optical depth (def: 0.09) sigma8 : float Fluctuation amplitude at 8 Mpc/h (def: 0.8) References ---------- .. bibliography:: biblio.bib :all: """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): # initialize default cosmology parameters self._h = 0.7 self._Omega_b = 0.045 self._Omega_m = 0.25 self._Omega_de = 0.75 self._w0 = -0.95 self._wa = 0.0 self._n = 1. self._tau = 0.09 self._sigma8 = 0.8 # initialize computation parameters self._amin = 0.001 # minimum scale factor self._amax = 1.0 # maximum scale factor self._na = 512 # number of points in interpolation arrays self._kmin = 0.0001 # minimum scale in power spectrum, in Mpc/h self._kmax = 1000.0 # maximum scale, in Mpc/h # Uses the input keywords to update the cosmology self.update(**kwargs)
[docs] def update(self, **kwargs): r"""Updates the current cosmology based on the parameters specified in input. Parameters ---------- h : float Reduced hubble constant Omega_b : float Baryonic matter density Omega_m : float Matter density Omega_de : float Dark energy density w0, wa : float Dark energy equation of state parameters n : float Scalar spectral index tau : float Reionization optical depth sigma8: float Fluctuation amplitude at 8 Mpc/h """ # Look for keywords and update cosmological parameters for kw in kwargs: if kw == 'h': self._h = kwargs[kw] elif kw == 'Omega_b': self._Omega_b = kwargs[kw] elif kw == 'Omega_m': self._Omega_m = kwargs[kw] elif kw == 'Omega_de': self._Omega_de = kwargs[kw] elif kw == 'w0': self._w0 = kwargs[kw] elif kw == 'wa': self._wa = kwargs[kw] elif kw == 'n': self._n = kwargs[kw] elif kw == 'tau': self._tau = kwargs[kw] elif kw == 'sigma8': self._sigma8 = kwargs[kw] # Check if the makeFlat keyword was used if 'makeFlat' in kwargs: self._Omega_de = 1.0 - self._Omega_m # Setup constant attributes self._Omega_dm = self._Omega_m-self._Omega_b # Dark matter density self._Omega = self._Omega_m+self._Omega_de # Total density self._Omega_k = 1.0 - self._Omega # Curvature # Sugiyama (1995, APJS, 100, 281) self._gamma = self._Omega_m*self._h * \ exp(-self._Omega_b*(1. + sqrt(2.*self._h)/self._Omega_m)) if self._Omega > 1.0: # Closed universe self._k = 1.0 self._sqrtk = sqrt(abs(self._Omega_k)) elif self._Omega == 1.0: # Flat universe self._k = 0 self._sqrtk = 1. elif self._Omega < 1.0: # Open Universe self._k = -1.0 self._sqrtk = sqrt(abs(self._Omega_k)) ############################################# # Quantities computed from 1998:EisensteinHu # Provides : - k_eq : scale of the particle horizon at equality epoch # - z_eq : redshift of equality epoch # - R_eq : ratio of the baryon to photon momentum density # at z_eq # - z_d : redshift of drag epoch # - R_d : ratio of the baryon to photon momentum density # at z_d # - sh_d : sound horizon at drag epoch # - k_silk : Silk damping scale T_2_7_sqr = (const.tcmb/2.7)**2 h2 = self.h**2 w_m = self.Omega_m*h2 w_b = self.Omega_b*h2 self._k_eq = 7.46e-2*w_m/T_2_7_sqr / self.h # Eq. (3) [h/Mpc] self._z_eq = 2.50e4*w_m/(T_2_7_sqr)**2 # Eq. (2) # z drag from Eq. (4) b1 = 0.313*pow(w_m, -0.419)*(1.0+0.607*pow(w_m, 0.674)) b2 = 0.238*pow(w_m, 0.223) self._z_d = 1291.0*pow(w_m, 0.251)/(1.0+0.659*pow(w_m, 0.828)) * \ (1.0 + b1*pow(w_b, b2)) # Ratio of the baryon to photon momentum density at z_d Eq. (5) self._R_d = 31.5 * w_b / (T_2_7_sqr)**2 * (1.e3/self._z_d) # Ratio of the baryon to photon momentum density at z_eq Eq. (5) self._R_eq = 31.5 * w_b / (T_2_7_sqr)**2 * (1.e3/self._z_eq) # Sound horizon at drag epoch in h^-1 Mpc Eq. (6) self._sh_d = 2.0/(3.0*self._k_eq) * sqrt(6.0/self._R_eq) * \ log((sqrt(1.0 + self._R_d) + sqrt(self._R_eq + self._R_d)) / (1.0 + sqrt(self._R_eq))) # Eq. (7) but in [hMpc^{-1}] self._k_silk = 1.6 * pow(w_b, 0.52) * pow(w_m, 0.73) * \ (1.0 + pow(10.4*w_m, -0.95)) / self.h ############################################# ############################################# # Quantities computed from 1999:EfstathiouBond # Provides : - z_r : redshift of recombination # - sh_r : sound horizon at recombination # z recombination from Eq. (20) g1 = 0.078*w_b**(-0.238) * (1.0 + 39.5*w_b**0.7630)**(-1) g2 = 0.56*(1.0 + 21.1*w_b**1.81)**(-1) a_r = 1.0/(1048.*(1.0+0.00124*w_b**(-0.738))*(1.0+g1*w_m**g2) + 1) self._z_r = a2z(a_r) # sound horizon at recombination from Eq. (18) and (19) a_eq = 1.0/(24185.0 * (1.6813/(1.0 + const.eta_nu)) * w_m) # Eq. (18) R_eq = 30496.*w_b*a_eq # Eq. (18) R_zr = 30496.*w_b*a_r # Eq. (18) frac = (sqrt(1.0+R_zr)+sqrt(R_zr+R_eq))/(1.0+sqrt(R_eq)) # Eq. (19) self._sh_r = 4000.0/sqrt(w_b)*sqrt(a_eq)/sqrt(1.0+const.eta_nu) * \ log(frac) * self.h # Eq. (19) converted to Mpc/h ############################################# # Computes interpolation arrays self.atab = linspace(self._amin, self._amax, self._na) self._chi_a_interp = None self._a_chi_interp = None self._da_interp = None self._pknorm = None
def __str__(self): return 'FLRW Cosmology with the following parameters: \n' + \ ' h: ' + str(self.h) + ' \n' + \ ' Omega_b: ' + str(self.Omega_b) + ' \n' + \ ' Omega_m: ' + str(self.Omega_m) + ' \n' + \ ' Omega_de: ' + str(self.Omega_de) + ' \n' + \ ' w0: ' + str(self.w0) + ' \n' + \ ' wa: ' + str(self.wa) + ' \n' + \ ' n: ' + str(self.n) + ' \n' + \ ' tau: ' + str(self.tau) + ' \n' + \ ' sigma8: ' + str(self.sigma8)
[docs] def w(self, a): r"""Dark Energy equation of state parameter using the Linder parametrisation. Parameters ---------- a : array_like Scale factor Returns ------- w : ndarray, or float if input scalar The Dark Energy equation of state parameter at the specified scale factor Notes ----- The Linder parametrization :cite:`2003:Linder` for the Dark Energy equation of state :math:`p = w \rho` is given by: .. math:: w(a) = w_0 + w (1 -a) """ return self.w0 + (1.0 - a) * self.wa # Equation (6) in Linder (2003)
[docs] def f_de(self, a): r"""Evolution parameter for the Dark Energy density. Parameters ---------- a : array_like Scale factor Returns ------- f : ndarray, or float if input scalar The evolution parameter of the Dark Energy density as a function of scale factor Notes ----- For a given parametrisation of the Dark Energy equation of state, the scaling of the Dark Energy density with time can be written as: .. math:: \rho_{de}(a) \propto a^{f(a)} (see :cite:`2005:Percival`) where :math:`f(a)` is computed as :math:`f(a) = \frac{-3}{\ln(a)} \int_0^{\ln(a)} [1 + w(a^\prime)] d \ln(a^\prime)`. In the case of Linder's parametrisation for the dark energy in Eq. :eq:`linderParam` :math:`f(a)` becomes: .. math:: f(a) = -3(1 + w_0) + 3 w \left[ \frac{a - 1}{ \ln(a) } - 1 \right] """ # Just to make sure we are not diving by 0 epsilon = 0.000000001 return -3.0*(1.0+self.w0) + 3.0*self.wa*((a-1.0)/log(a-epsilon) - 1.0)
[docs] def Esqr(self, a): r"""Square of the scale factor dependent factor E(a) in the Hubble parameter. Parameters ---------- a : array_like Scale factor Returns ------- E^2 : ndarray, or float if input scalar Square of the scaling of the Hubble constant as a function of scale factor Notes ----- The Hubble parameter at scale factor `a` is given by :math:`H^2(a) = E^2(a) H_o^2` where :math:`E^2` is obtained through Friedman's Equation (see :cite:`2005:Percival`) : .. math:: E^2(a) = \Omega_m a^{-3} + \Omega_k a^{-2} + \Omega_{de} a^{f(a)} where :math:`f(a)` is the Dark Energy evolution parameter computed by :py:meth:`.f_de`. """ return self.Omega_m*pow(a, -3) + self.Omega_k*pow(a, -2) + \ self.Omega_de*pow(a, self.f_de(a))
[docs] def H(self, a): r"""Hubble parameter [km/s/(Mpc/h)] at scale factor `a` Parameters ---------- a : array_like Scale factor Returns ------- H : ndarray, or float if input scalar Hubble parameter at the requested scale factor. """ return const.H0 * sqrt(self.Esqr(a))
[docs] def Omega_m_a(self, a): r"""Matter density at scale factor `a`. Parameters ---------- a : array_like Scale factor Returns ------- Omega_m : ndarray, or float if input scalar Non-relativistic matter density at the requested scale factor Notes ----- The evolution of matter density :math:`\Omega_m(a)` is given by: .. math:: \Omega_m(a) = \frac{\Omega_m a^{-3}}{E^2(a)} see :cite:`2005:Percival` Eq. (6) """ return self.Omega_m * pow(a, -3) / self.Esqr(a)
[docs] def Omega_de_a(self, a): r"""Dark Energy density at scale factor `a`. Parameters ---------- a : array_like Scale factor Returns ------- Omega_de : ndarray, or float if input scalar Dark Energy density at the requested scale factor Notes ----- The evolution of Dark Energy density :math:`\Omega_{de}(a)` is given by: .. math:: \Omega_{de}(a) = \frac{\Omega_{de} a^{f(a)}}{E^2(a)} where :math:`f(a)` is the Dark Energy evolution parameter computed by :py:meth:`.f_de` (see :cite:`2005:Percival` Eq. (6)). """ return self.Omega_de*pow(a, self.f_de(a))/self.Esqr(a)
[docs] def chi2a(self, chi): r"""Scale factor for the radial comoving distance specified in [Mpc/h]. Parameters ---------- chi : array_like Radial comoving distance in [Mpc/h] Returns ------- a : ndarray, or float if input scalar Scale factor corresponding to the specified radial comoving distance. """ if self._a_chi_interp is None: self.a2chi(1.0) return self._a_chi_interp(chi)
[docs] def a2chi(self, a): r"""Radial comoving distance in [Mpc/h] for a given scale factor. Parameters ---------- a : array_like Scale factor Returns ------- chi : ndarray, or float if input scalar Radial comoving distance corresponding to the specified scale factor. Notes ----- The radial comoving distance is computed by performing the following integration: .. math:: \chi(a) = R_H \int_a^1 \frac{da^\prime}{{a^\prime}^2 E(a^\prime)} """ def dchioverdlna(x): xa = exp(x) return self.dchioverda(xa) * xa chi = vectorize(lambda x: romberg(dchioverdlna, log(x), 0, vec_func=True)) # Initialize interpolation array if self._chi_a_interp is None: chitab = chi(self.atab) self._chi_a_interp = interp1d(self.atab, chitab, kind='quadratic') self._a_chi_interp = interp1d(chitab[::-1], self.atab[::-1], kind='quadratic') # For values within the interpolation array use _chi_interp, # otherwise perform the integration res = vectorize(lambda x: self._chi_a_interp(x) if ((x > self._amin) and (x < self._amax)) else chi(x)) return res(a)
[docs] def f_k(self, a): r"""Transverse comoving distance in [Mpc/h] for a given scale factor. Parameters ---------- a : array_like Scale factor Returns ------- f_k : ndarray, or float if input scalar Transverse comoving distance corresponding to the specified scale factor. Notes ----- The transverse comoving distance depends on the curvature of the universe and is related to the radial comoving distance through: .. math:: f_k(a) = \left\lbrace \begin{matrix} R_H \frac{1}{\sqrt{\Omega_k}}\sinh(\sqrt{|\Omega_k|}\chi(a)R_H)& \mbox{for }\Omega_k > 0 \\ \chi(a)& \mbox{for } \Omega_k = 0 \\ R_H \frac{1}{\sqrt{\Omega_k}} \sin(\sqrt{|\Omega_k|}\chi(a)R_H)& \mbox{for } \Omega_k < 0 \end{matrix} \right. """ chi = self.a2chi(a) if self.k < 0: # Open universe return const.rh/self.sqrtk*sinh(self.sqrtk * chi/const.rh) elif self.k > 0: # Closed Universe return const.rh/self.sqrtk*sin(self.sqrtk * chi/const.rh) else: return chi
[docs] def d_A(self, a): r"""Angular diameter distance in [Mpc/h] for a given scale factor. Parameters ---------- a : array_like Scale factor Returns ------- d_A : ndarray, or float if input scalar Notes ----- Angular diameter distance is expressed in terms of the transverse comoving distance as: .. math:: d_A(a) = a f_k(a) """ return a * self.f_k(a)
[docs] def dchioverda(self, a): r"""Derivative of the radial comoving distance with respect to the scale factor. Parameters ---------- a : array_like Scale factor Returns ------- dchi/da : ndarray, or float if input scalar Derivative of the radial comoving distance with respect to the scale factor at the specified scale factor. Notes ----- The expression for :math:`\frac{d \chi}{da}` is: .. math:: \frac{d \chi}{da}(a) = \frac{R_H}{a^2 E(a)} """ return const.rh/(a**2*sqrt(self.Esqr(a)))
[docs] def dzoverda(self, a): r"""Derivative of the redshift with respect to the scale factor. Parameters ---------- a : array_like Scale factor Returns ------- dz/da : ndarray, or float if input scalar Derivative of the redshift with respect to the scale factor at the specified scale factor. Notes ----- The expression for :math:`\frac{d z}{da}` is: .. math:: \frac{d z}{da}(a) = \frac{1}{a^2} """ return 1.0 / (a**2)
[docs] def T(self, k, type='eisenhu_osc'): """ Computes the matter transfer function. Parameters ---------- k: array_like Wave number in h Mpc^{-1} type: str, optional Type of transfer function. Either 'eisenhu' or 'eisenhu_osc' (def: 'eisenhu_osc') Returns ------- T: array_like Value of the transfer function at the requested wave number Notes ----- The Eisenstein & Hu transfer functions are computed using the fitting formulae of :cite:`1998:EisensteinHu` """ w_m = self.Omega_m * self.h**2 w_b = self.Omega_b * self.h**2 fb = self.Omega_b / self.Omega_m fc = (self.Omega_m - self.Omega_b) / self.Omega_m alpha_gamma = 1.-0.328*log(431.*w_m)*w_b/w_m + \ 0.38*log(22.3*w_m)*(self.Omega_b/self.Omega_m)**2 gamma_eff = self.Omega_m*self.h * \ (alpha_gamma + (1.-alpha_gamma)/(1.+(0.43*k*self.sh_d)**4)) res = zeros_like(k) if(type == 'eisenhu'): q = k * pow(const.tcmb/2.7, 2)/gamma_eff # EH98 (29) # L = log(2.*exp(1.0) + 1.8*q) C = 14.2 + 731.0/(1.0 + 62.5*q) res = L/(L + C*q*q) elif(type == 'eisenhu_osc'): # Cold dark matter transfer function # EH98 (11, 12) a1 = pow(46.9*w_m, 0.670) * (1.0 + pow(32.1*w_m, -0.532)) a2 = pow(12.0*w_m, 0.424) * (1.0 + pow(45.0*w_m, -0.582)) alpha_c = pow(a1, -fb) * pow(a2, -fb**3) b1 = 0.944 / (1.0 + pow(458.0*w_m, -0.708)) b2 = pow(0.395*w_m, -0.0266) beta_c = 1.0 + b1*(pow(fc, b2) - 1.0) beta_c = 1.0 / beta_c # EH98 (19). [k] = h/Mpc def T_tilde(k1, alpha, beta): # EH98 (10); [q] = 1 BUT [k] = h/Mpc q = k1 / (13.41 * self._k_eq) L = log(exp(1.0) + 1.8 * beta * q) C = 14.2 / alpha + 386.0 / (1.0 + 69.9 * pow(q, 1.08)) T0 = L/(L + C*q*q) return T0 # EH98 (17, 18) f = 1.0 / (1.0 + (k * self.sh_d / 5.4)**4) Tc = f * T_tilde(k, 1.0, beta_c) + \ (1.0 - f) * T_tilde(k, alpha_c, beta_c) # Baryon transfer function # EH98 (19, 14, 21) y = (1.0 + self._z_eq) / (1.0 + self._z_d) x = sqrt(1.0 + y) G_EH98 = y * (-6.0 * x + (2.0 + 3.0*y) * log((x + 1.0) / (x - 1.0))) alpha_b = 2.07 * self._k_eq * self.sh_d * \ pow(1.0 + self._R_d, -0.75) * G_EH98 beta_node = 8.41 * pow(w_m, 0.435) tilde_s = self.sh_d / pow(1.0 + (beta_node / (k * self.sh_d))**3, 1.0/3.0) beta_b = 0.5 + fb + (3.0 - 2.0 * fb) * sqrt((17.2 * w_m)**2 + 1.0) # [tilde_s] = Mpc/h Tb = (T_tilde(k, 1.0, 1.0) / (1.0 + (k * self.sh_d / 5.2)**2) + alpha_b / (1.0 + (beta_b/(k * self.sh_d))**3) * exp(-pow(k / self._k_silk, 1.4))) * sinc(k*tilde_s/pi) # Total transfer function res = fb * Tb + fc * Tc return res
[docs] def G(self, a): """ Compute Growth factor at a given scale factor, normalised such that G(a=1) = 1. Parameters ---------- a: array_like Scale factor Returns ------- G: ndarray, or float if input scalar Growth factor computed at requested scale factor """ if self._da_interp is None: def D_derivs(y, x): q = (2.0 - 0.5 * (self.Omega_m_a(x) + (1.0 + 3.0 * self.w(x)) * self.Omega_de_a(x)))/x r = 1.5*self.Omega_m_a(x)/x/x return [y[1], -q * y[1] + r * y[0]] y0 = [self._amin, 1] y = odeint(D_derivs, y0, self.atab) self._da_interp = interp1d(self.atab, y[:, 0], kind='linear') return self._da_interp(a)/self._da_interp(1.0)
[docs] def pk_lin(self, k, a=1.0, **kwargs): r""" Computes the linear matter power spectrum. Parameters ---------- k: array_like Wave number in h Mpc^{-1} a: array_like, optional Scale factor (def: 1.0) type: str, optional Type of transfer function. Either 'eisenhu' or 'eisenhu_osc' (def: 'eisenhu_osc') Returns ------- pk: array_like Linear matter power spectrum at the specified scale and scale factor. """ k = atleast_1d(k) a = atleast_1d(a) g = self.G(a) t = self.T(k, **kwargs) pknorm = self.sigma8**2/self.sigmasqr(8.0, **kwargs) if k.ndim == 1: pk = outer(self.pk_prim(k) * pow(t, 2), pow(g, 2)) else: pk = self.pk_prim(k) * pow(t, 2) * pow(g, 2) # Apply normalisation pk = pk*pknorm return pk.squeeze()
def _smith_parameters(self, a, **kwargs): r""" Computes the non linear scale, effective spectral index and spectral curvature""" a = atleast_1d(a) R_nl = zeros_like(a) n = zeros_like(a) C = zeros_like(a) ksamp = logspace(log10(self._kmin), log10(self._kmax), 1024) pklog = interp1d(log(ksamp), ksamp**3 * self.pk_lin(ksamp, **kwargs) / (2.0*pi**2)) g = self.G(a) def int_sigma(logk, r, _g): y = exp(logk)*r return pklog(logk) * _g**2 * exp(-y**2) def int_neff(logk, r, _g): y = exp(logk)*r return pklog(logk) * _g**2 * y**2 * exp(-y**2) def int_C(logk, r, _g): y = exp(logk)*r return pklog(logk) * _g**2 * (y**2 - y**4) * exp(-y**2) for i in range(R_nl.size): sigm = lambda r: romberg(int_sigma, log(self._kmin), log(self._kmax), args=(exp(r), g[i]), rtol=1e-4, vec_func=True) - 1 R_nl[i] = exp(brentq(sigm, -5, 1.5, rtol=1e-4)) n[i] = 2.0 * romberg(int_neff, log(self._kmin), log(self._kmax), args=(R_nl[i], g[i]), rtol=1e-4, vec_func=True) - 3 C[i] = (3 + n[i])**2 + 4 * romberg(int_C, log(self._kmin), log(self._kmax), args=(R_nl[i], g[i]), rtol=1e-4, vec_func=True) k_nl = 1.0/R_nl return k_nl, n, C
[docs] def pk(self, k, a=1.0, nl_type='smith2003', **kwargs): r""" Computes the full non linear matter power spectrum. Parameters ---------- k: array_like Wave number in h Mpc^{-1} a: array_like, optional Scale factor (def: 1.0) nl_type: str, optional Type of non linear corrections. Only 'smith2003' is implemented type: str, optional Type of transfer function. Either 'eisenhu' or 'eisenhu_osc' (def: 'eisenhu_osc') Returns ------- pk: array_like Non linear matter power spectrum at the specified scale and scale factor. Notes ----- The non linear corrections are implemented following :cite:`2003:smith` """ k = atleast_1d(k) a = atleast_1d(a) pklin = self.pk_lin(k, a, **kwargs) if (nl_type == 'smith2003'): # Compute non linear scale, effective spectral index and curvature k_nl, n, C = self._smith_parameters(a) om_m = self.Omega_m_a(a) frac = self.Omega_de_a(a)/(1.0 - om_m) # eq C9 to C18 a_n = 10**(1.4861 + 1.8369*n + 1.6762*n**2 + 0.7940*n**3 + 0.1670*n**4 - 0.6206*C) b_n = 10**(0.9463 + 0.9466*n + 0.3084*n**2 - 0.9400*C) c_n = 10**(-0.2807 + 0.6669*n + 0.3214*n**2 - 0.0793*C) gamma_n = 0.8649 + 0.2989*n + 0.1631*C alpha_n = 1.3884 + 0.3700*n - 0.1452*n**2 beta_n = 0.8291 + 0.9854*n + 0.3401*n**2 mu_n = 10**(-3.5442 + 0.1908*n) nu_n = 10**(0.9585 + 1.2857*n) f1a = om_m**(-0.0732) f2a = om_m**(-0.1423) f3a = om_m**0.0725 f1b = om_m**(-0.0307) f2b = om_m**(-0.0585) f3b = om_m**(0.0743) f1 = frac*f1b + (1-frac)*f1a f2 = frac*f2b + (1-frac)*f2a f3 = frac*f3b + (1-frac)*f3a f = lambda x: x/4. + x**2/8. d2l = einsum('i...,i...->i...', k**3, pklin / (2.0*pi**2)) if k.ndim > 1: y = k/k_nl else: y = outer(k, 1.0/k_nl).squeeze() # Eq C2 d2q = d2l * ((1.0+d2l)**beta_n/(1+alpha_n*d2l)) * exp(-f(y)) d2hprime = a_n*y**(3*f1)/(1.0 + b_n * y**f2 + (c_n*f3*y)**(3.0 - gamma_n)) d2h = d2hprime / (1.0 + mu_n/y + nu_n/y**2) # Eq. C1 d2nl = d2q + d2h pk_nl = einsum('i...,i...->i...', 2.0*pi**2/k**3, d2nl) else: print("unknown non linear prescription") pk_nl = pklin return pk_nl.squeeze()
[docs] def pl(self, l, a, **kwargs): r""" Computes the non linear matter power spectrum at a given angular scale using the Limber approximation """ k = outer(l + 0.5, 1.0/self.a2chi(a)) return, a, **kwargs)
[docs] def pl_lin(self, l, a, **kwargs): """ Computes the linear matter power spectrum at the specified scale and scale factor """ k = outer(l + 0.5, 1.0/self.a2chi(a)) g = self.G(a) t = self.T(k, **kwargs) pknorm = self.sigma8**2/self.sigmasqr(8.0, **kwargs) pk = multiply(self.pk_prim(k) * pow(t, 2), pow(g, 2)) # Apply normalisation pk = pk*pknorm return pk
[docs] def pk_prim(self, k): """ Primordial power spectrum Pk = k^n """ return k**self.n
[docs] def sigmasqr(self, R, **kwargs): """ Computes the energy of the fluctuations within a sphere of R h^{-1} Mpc .. math:: \\sigma^2(R)= \\frac{1}{2 \\pi^2} \\int_0^\\infty \\frac{dk}{k} k^3 P(k,z) W^2(kR) where .. math:: W(kR) = \\frac{3j_1(kR)}{kR} """ def int_sigma(logk): k = exp(logk) x = k * R w = 3.0*(sin(x) - x*cos(x))/(x*x*x) pk = self.T(k, **kwargs)**2 * self.pk_prim(k) return k * pow(k*w, 2.0) * pk return 1.0/(2.0*pi**2.0) * romberg(int_sigma, log(self._kmin), log(self._kmax))
[docs] def g(self, a, a_s): """ Lensing efficiency kernel computed a distance chi for sources placed at distance chi_s """ a_s = atleast_1d(a_s) a = atleast_1d(a) factor = 3.0 * const.H0**2 * self.Omega_m / (2.0 * const.c**2)/a res = (self.a2chi(a_s) - self.a2chi(a)) / self.a2chi(a_s) res[a_s > a] = 0 return factor * self.f_k(a) * res * self.dchioverda(a) # Derived constants
@property def Omega_dm(self): return self._Omega_dm @property def Omega(self): return self._Omega @property def Omega_k(self): return self._Omega_k @property def gamma(self): return self._gamma @property def k(self): return self._k @property def sqrtk(self): return self._sqrtk @property
[docs] def sh_d(self): r""" Sound horizon at drag epoch in Mpc/h Computed from Equation (6) in :cite:`1998:EisensteinHu` : .. math :: r_s(z_d) = \frac{2}{3 k_{eq}} \sqrt{ \frac{6}{R_{eq}} } \ln \frac{ \sqrt{1 + R_d} + \sqrt{R_d + R_{eq}}}{1 + \sqrt{R_{eq}}} where :math:`R_d` and :math:`R_{eq}` are respectively the ratio of baryon to photon momentum density at drag epoch and equality epoch (see Equation (5) in :cite:`1998:EisensteinHu`) and :math:`k_{eq}` is the scale of the scale of the particle horizon at equality epoch. """ return self._sh_d
[docs] def sh_r(self): r""" Sound horizon at recombination in Mpc/h Computed from Equation (19) in :cite:`1999:EfstathiouBond` : .. math :: r_s(z_r) = \frac{4000 \sqrt{a_{equ}}}{\sqrt{\omega_b (1 + \eta_\nu)}} \ln \frac{ \sqrt{1 + R_r} + \sqrt{R_r + R_{eq}}}{1 + \sqrt{R_{eq}}} where :math:`R_r` and :math:`R_{eq}` are respectively the ratio of baryon to photon momentum density at recombination epoch and equality epoch (see Equation (18) in :cite:`1999:EfstathiouBond`) and :math:`\eta_{\nu}` denotes the relative densities of massless neutrinos and photons. """ return self._sh_r # Settable cosmological parameters
@property def h(self): return self._h @h.setter def h(self,val): self.update(h=val) @property def Omega_b(self): """ baryon density """ return self._Omega_b @Omega_b.setter
[docs] def Omega_b(self,val): self.update(Omega_b=val)
@property def Omega_m(self): return self._Omega_m @Omega_m.setter def Omega_m(self,val): self.update(Omega_m = val) @property def Omega_de(self): return self._Omega_de @Omega_de.setter def Omega_de(self,val): self.update(Omega_de = val) @property def w0(self): return self._w0 @w0.setter def w0(self,val): self.update(w0 = val) @property def wa(self): return self._wa @wa.setter def wa(self,val): self.update(wa=val) @property def n(self): return self._n @n.setter def n(self,val): self.update(n=val) @property def tau(self): return self._tau @tau.setter def tau(self, val): self.update(tau=val) @property def sigma8(self): return self._sigma8 @sigma8.setter def sigma8(self, val): self.update(sigma8=val)